國立臺灣大學心理學系 系主任

Prof. Tai-Li CHOU 周泰立教授
Dept. of Psychology,
National Taiwan University
國立臺灣大學心理學系 系主任

Prof. Fang FANG 方方教授
Professor of Psychology,
Dean of the School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
北京大學心理與認知科學學院 教授、院長
香港中文大学校训 “博文约礼”,知识渊博为“博文”,遵礼守法为“约礼”。贵系笃行校训四十年如一日,明德恒志,玉汝于成,教诲每一位心理学子求真、博学、正心、明理,成为心理健康、处世方正的栋梁之才。也正因为如此,中文大学心理系才能一直居于亚洲乃至世界心理学科前列。

Prof. Michael Harris BOND 彭邁克教授
Emeritus Professor of Psychology
On the occasion of its 40th anniversary, I have been asked by the Psychology Department to write a short congratulatory note. No problem – as recently noted, our current faculty have been acknowledged by Research.com as the #1 psychology department in China. Other noteworthy recognitions of our department’s eminence worldwide likewise abound, inviting sincere congratulations for all staff and faculty concerned.
But wait – how did our CUHK Psychology Department come to achieve such status in the crowded environment of psychology departments worldwide? I remember arriving in 1974 when we were four junior faculty members, a technician, a clerk, and an office helper constituting the Psychology Section, serving under the Department of Sociology – modest beginnings, indeed! Fortunately for us, our founding Vice-Chancellor, Li Choh-ming, insisted on building a university providing a comprehensive curriculum that included all the social sciences. Putting that vision into action, he and a succession of vice-chancellors arranged for our then-Section to be guided by an established senior psychologist, Prof. Yang Kuo-Shu. He was followed by Prof. Liu In-Mao who guided our slowly growing unit into departmental status, achieved in 1982.
Since that time, I served under a succession of competent chairpersons in the Psychology Department – Prof. Kwok Leung, Prof. Fanny Cheung, and Prof. H.C. Chen before I left CUHK in 2008. This gifted group of academics further consolidated the reputation of our department by encouraging dedicated teaching and innovative research from our existing faculty, by building an ethic of service among our dedicated support staff, and by hiring outstanding young faculty members to replace the old guard.
I am proud to have played an early part in establishing a vibrant Psychology Department and send a hearty “Congratulations” to all who have continued to maintain its high standard in the academic community of this 21st Century.
Michael Harris Bond, CUHK [1974-2008]

Prof. Hsuan-Chih CHEN 陳烜之教授
Emeritus Professor
The Department of Psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year. As emeritus professor and a former department head, it is my pleasure and honor to write a congratulatory message on this happy occasion.
Back in 1982, the department started off small with just five faculty members and twenty major students. Now it is recognized as one of the top-ranked psychology departments in Asia with a strong reputation regionally and globally. A great deal was done over the past four decades to make this happen. Although scientific research plays a vital role in the development of modern psychology, we had minimal research resources available at the beginning (e.g., no laboratory space at all). Thus, one of the main focuses of the department since its early years has been on the establishment of various kinds of research facilities to foster research and training for both academic staff and students. The department also reached far and wide to recruit competent faculty members covering all major areas in psychology to continuously attract quality undergraduate and graduate students from Hong Kong and abroad. Looking at where we are now, these efforts clearly paid off.
The achievements of the department are the cumulative result of the dedication and hard work of its past and present staff. All their efforts and contributions should be acknowledged as an inspiration for the next forty years to come. I am proud of what the department has accomplished over the past years, enjoyed being a part of that journey, and offer my best wishes for its continued growth and prosperity.
Happy 40th Anniversary!
Hsuan-Chih Chen

Prof. Fanny M. CHEUNG 張妙清教授
Emeritus Professor
“At Forty, One is Not Perplexed” (四十而不惑)
from The Analects
I joined CUHK in 1977 when Psychology was a minor section with four faculty members under the Department of Sociology. It has been my privilege to have contributed to the establishment of Psychology as a major department in 1982 and later its postgraduate programmes including specialties in clinical psychology and industrial-organizational psychology, and then served as the Department Chairperson for 13 years.
It is gratifying to witness our Department’s growth in size and research impact as a leading Chinese voice in psychology. Our commitment to teaching and mentoring has nurtured several generations of graduates who excelled in different walks of life; some of whom have returned to join us as faculty members. Our community services have extended our knowledge into action to benefit society.
During the past four decades, our offices and laboratories have occupied different historical landmarks in Chung Chi College, including Teaching Block 8 (now Lee Wai Chun Building), Teaching Block 6 (now Sino Building), the former residence of the College President/Chinese Music Archive (now merged into Esther Lee Building) and Hui Yeung Shing Building, before finally settling in our present sites.
Beyond these physical relics, our Psychology family has gone through life vicissitudes with esteemed accolades for achievements as well as major illnesses and tragic losses. Adaptation to the new normal under the COVID-19 pandemic in the past three years has challenged us to walk our talk as psychologists. What has carried us forward is our compassionate communality across the board. We are proud of our Department’s non-hierarchical structure, governance and cooperation, which provides a home for our pursuit of excellence.
As we turn forty, our Department stands tall with fortitude and certitude to face future challenges and explore new frontiers.
Happy 40th Birthday!
Fanny M. Cheung
Emeritus Professor of Psychology

Prof. Patrick W.L. LEUNG 梁永亮教授
Emeritus Professor
Happy 40th Anniversary to our Department of Psychology.
Besides a congratulatory note, and at this important juncture of our Department’s development, may I once again raise the question regarding the learnings and values of a psychology education for deliberation amongst us, as I did in one previous Departmental Retreat? Then and now, I would like to offer two interrelated core learnings of psychology, i.e., embracing diversity while valuing shared humanity. Psychology teaches us on individual differences and these are not without good reasons, given the dissimilar inborn potentials and the indefinite range of growing-up experiences underscored by vast societal and cultural variations. Driven by the appreciation on diversity, I cherish high hope that students of psychology should learn to live together with people from different walks of life, ethnicity, or religions with acceptance and compassion. This will be a world of lesser prejudge, discrimination and stigma. On the other hand, despite our varied life-styles, psychology also informs us on our shared humanity – the common strive for relatedness, affection, competence, identity, and valued commitments. Once again, I hope that awareness of our shared humanity will further bring us together and be resilient to face our adversities united. At one end, we appreciate the diverse pathways that each of our fellow human beings travel, yet at the other end, we are in fact pursuing similar destinations in our own ways. Inspired by such learnings, we shall endeavor to live and let’s live with empathy and forbearance.
I would not pretend that the above constitutes the only learnings and values of a psychology education. I imagine that there should be a lot more, expecting diverse views from my other colleagues to further enrich our deliberation.
Patrick W L Leung
July, 2022

Prof. Catherine A. McBRIDE
Emeritus Professor
Congratulations to the CUHK Psychology Department for 40 years of excellence. Through the years, some of the top scholars in the world have served in this department. Just this year, this department was ranked as number 1 in all of China based on outstanding research performance. Importantly, the CUHK Psychology Department could never have achieved its international reputation for excellence without the top students who have studied psychology at the undergraduate, Master’s, and doctoral levels over the years. This department has a wonderful synergy of teaching and learning at all levels. CUHK psychology department graduates have prominent positions in business, industry, hospitals, NGOs, academia, and many other places, in Hong Kong, in Great China, and abroad. Those who have benefited from a CUHK Psychology Department education have gone on to do important work across sectors, with society’s gratitude. They represent both many and varied impressive past achievements and hope for the future.
The 2022 departmental theme of hope and resilience is perfect in this time in history. Our planet and our citizens face multiple challenges in many aspects of our lives. Psychological research can contribute broadly to tackling these challenges. This work can inform governments, educators, and the public on how best to promote better physical and mental health, improve education for all, and encourage businesses and individuals to work and play in ways that are environmentally sustainable.
It is with tremendous gratitude that I offer my best wishes to the CUHK Psychology Department for four decades of wonderful work. Professors, lecturers, administrators, technicians, and students with varied interests and skill sets have all contributed to a dynamic and exciting learning environment. Thanks to you all for being a role model for hope and resilience.
Catherine A. McBride